XSunlight ANTI-bot
Verification Code Verification: During the registration process, users are sent a verification code to their provided email address and are required to input the correct code on the registration page to confirm their identity.
Registration Frequency Limitation: Limit the registration frequency for the same IP address or device to prevent users from attempting to register multiple accounts multiple times.
Human Verification: Implement a human verification mechanism during registration, such as image captchas, slider verification, etc., to ensure that registrants are genuine human users and not bots.
IP Restrictions: Monitor registration behavior and perform additional verification or restrictions for registrations from abnormal IP addresses or countries/regions.
Anti-Fraud Detection: Utilize fraud detection tools or services to monitor and analyze registration behavior in real-time, identifying and preventing potential fraudulent activities.
Security Policies: Implement security measures such as SSL encryption connections and password strength requirements to ensure the security of users' registration information and data.
Last updated